
pursue/to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time ultimate/someone's ultimate aim is their main and most important aim,that they hope to achieve in the future(=final) ――― ではまた。


abolish/to officially end a law,system etc,especially one that has existed for a long time


fully/completely book/to make arrangements to stay in a place,eat in a restaurant,go to a theatre etc at a particular time in the future


race/one of the main groupes that humans can be divided into according to the color of their skin and other physical features sex/whether a person,plant ,oranimal is male or female creed/a set of beliefsor principles―――今日は休暇。 朝から…


mortfage/a legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house,and pay back the money over a period of years


trifle/something unimportant or not valuable row/a short angry argument,especially between people who know each well(=quarrel) ―――クソ忙しいなぁ!もぅ! でも、朝夕涼しくなったので、朝夕の勉強はやりやすくなりましたね。 ではまた!


utter/to say something firm/strongly fixed in position,and not likely to move(=secure) courtesy/polite behavior and respect for other perple(=politeness)


slave/someone who is owned by another person and works for them for no money primitive/belonging to a simple way of life that existed in the past and does not have modern industries and machines


delinquent/someone especially a young person,who breaks the law or behaves in ways their society does not approve of expel/to officially force someone to leave a school or organization assault/the crime of physically attacking someone vand…


janitor/someone whose job is to look after a school or other large building safe/a strong metal box or cupboard with special locks where you keeo money and valuable things


erupt/if fighting violence,noise etc erupts,it starts suddenly(=break out) lava/hot liquid rock that flows from a volcano,or this rock when it has become solid


indispensable/someone or something that is indispensable is so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them nuisance/a person,thing or situation that annoys you or causes problems burden/something difficult or worring t…


exceptional/unusually good(=outstanding) geographical/relating to the place in an area,country etc where something or someone is V.p.pの後に形容詞やVingが残る受動態は「VOC」が可能な動詞だけ。


collapse/if a building,wall etc collapses,it falls down suddenly,usually because it is weak or damaged


reckless/not caring or worring about the possible bad or dangerous results of your actions ※ちなみに reckon/(1)to think or suppose something(2)to gess a number or amount,without calculating it exactly(3)… ――― 見た映画や読んだ本のことも紹介…


preoccupied/thinking about something a lot,with the result that you do not pay attention to other things -aholic/someone who cannot stop doing something or using something(ex.a warkaholic,a chocaholic)


purse/a bag in which a woman carries her money and personal things(=英handbag) ※要するに日本のハンドバッグ=英handbag=米purseってことか。 mallet/a small flat case,often made of lather,that you carry in your pochet,for holding paper money,…


transmit/to send out electronic signals,messages etc using radio,television or other similar equipment analyze/to examine or think about something carefully in order to understand it


consistent/always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes standards etc-usually used to show approval


moderate/not very large or very small,veryhot or very cold,very fast or very slow etc


abortion/a medical operation to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born alive devout/someone who is devout has a very strong belief in a religion ――― ちょっとペースをあげよう。 こんなにゆっくりじゃあ、年内に終わらない。 一年なんてあっ…


sophomore/a student who is in their second year of study at a college or high school


こっから受動態。 reconcile/if you reconcile two ideas,situations,or facts,you find a way in which they can both true or acceptable faction/a small group of people within a large group,who have defferent ideas from the other members,and who…


cathedral/the main church of a particular area under the control of a bishop Lord/god or jesus christ,used when talking about god 「大聖堂」 ローマ-カトリック教会の司教区で、司教座の置かれている聖堂。大聖堂の司教座のことを「cathedra」とい…


fiscal/relating to money,taxes,debts etc that are owned and managed by the govenment shape/to influence something such as a belief,opinion etc and make it develop in a particular way ――― 久しぶりに吐き出してスッキリ自己満足。 みなさんには…


betray/to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset


swear/to use rude and offensive language curse/(v)to swear (n)a swear word or words that you say because you are very angry


muse/to say something in a way that shows you are thinking about it carefully derive/to get something,especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling,from something ここも補語が原形の場合。


horror/a strong feeling of shock and fear vertical/pointing up in a line that forms an angle of 90°with a flat surface 知覚動詞の補語が原形の場合。


contempt/a feeling that someone or something is not important and deserves no respect 知覚動詞。補語の形4種。 Oは主格でなく、目的格で表す。 ん〜、慣れるしかないなあ。